Conflict Resolution & Peace Building
To resolve injustice in nonviolent ways and to transform the cultural & structural conditions that generate deadly or destructive conflict. Objectives achieved: a month-long training course with 335 participants, 5 Concept Notes for National Endowment for Democracy, 4 Project Proposals for National Endowment for Democracy, 1 Radio interview uploaded to National Radio Broadcast, Closing Ceremony aired on National Television (NTA) Nigeria Television Authority. The training introduced a new style of training, namely non-formal education, to the participants. The participants emphasized the importance of self-management and self-expression that was promoted during the participatory and encouraging training. The participants stated that they are now able to manage themselves, their activities and environment better and will also use this lessons learned in their professional and personal lives. The target group was also inspired by the training to use the acquired skills, such as project proposal writing and applying appreciative inquiry, within their own organizations. Furthermore, the training has served as a starting point to come in contact with youth (organizations) from their own states and the entire Nigeria. Building partnerships, exchange strategies and ensuring successful projects implementation for youth in Nigeria, Lectures on Peaceful coexistence, inter-faith and religious tolerance, dispute resolution, self-defence, safety-first, etc, were all anchored during the training.